Boot Camp
Sergeant Austin Clark runs a boot camp challenge for those wanting to get physically fit.
Have we mentioned we have our very own bona fide personal trainer on our staff? Our Art Director Austin Clark is also a drill sergeant at Boot Camp Challenge Roanoke and today she's sharing some tips on how to keep those winter pounds off while we hibernate during the holidays!
Drill Sergeant Austin Clark's Holiday Fitness Tips
1. Get a flu shot!! There is nothing worse than getting sick during such a festive and busy season. Oh wait, there is.... giving your loved one the flu. Merry Christmas Grannie!!
2. Moderation is key. Nothing says too much more than realizing you've eaten over half of the peanut brittle in your office common area.
3. Say NO to the Christmas Cookie Exchange. Really. Just don't do it. 'Nuff said.
4. Stick to your regular exercise program. Its easy to say "Oh I'm too busy shopping".... but lets face it, you will regret that decision a couple weeks from now when you are squeezing into your best light up reindeer sweater.
5. Get some Zzz's!!! Nothing will recharge your batteries and make you more of a deal-finding shopaholic than adequate rest.
7. Avoid binging and starving. Everybody makes poor dietary choices and cheating happens. The worst thing you can do is skip dinner because you ate that cheese ball that was carved in the shape of Frosty the Snowman. Skipping meals will lower your blood sugar and lead to fatigue, not to mention mess up your metabolism. Before you know it, you're shaped like Frosty the Snowman.
8. Plan family activities around fitness. Register for a Holiday 5k or take the dog on a walk. Chances are you will be doing something for charity or at the very least be helping Fido attend to his daily business. Then you can discuss the true meaning of family as you argue over who will pick up the poop.
9. Pack your meals in advance. When your friendly co-worker asks you to lunch remember one thing. They don't really care for your company. More than likely they are just looking for someone to eat Mexican food with. And no offense...I'm sure your personality is stellar, but cheese and refried beans are better.
10. Spend time with the people you love. That is what the holidays are all about. Of course not every family is the same, so if you find yourself wanting to flee to the nearest watering hole, try running there - it burns more calories.