Free Yoga for the People
Downtown Roanoke Public Library 706 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia 24016

Bonny Branch
Free Yoga for the People in Elmwood Park
Free Yoga for the People's Mission:
As a public health and better living initiative, to offer the people of the Roanoke Valley a one-hour yoga class, 3x a week, in a convenient public space, or online, at no charge.
We believe yoga poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and mindfulness (meditation and intention-setting) will help Roanoke and its citizens to live, work and play together better. Come join us and start, or end, your day off right!
• No experience necessary - just a positive attitude, a willingness to try, and a promise to listen to your body, and not hurt or judge yourself or others.
All welcome, anytime. Tell your friends.
COST: • FREE (Donations accepted - cash, Venmo, PayPal.)
WHEN: • Mondays, Tuesdays, (Wed) & Fridays
• Monday evenings 5:30-6:30pm (In person - Summer: Elmwood Park / Winter: Downtown main library auditorium)
• Tuesday mornings 7:30-8:30am (Zoom) - Contact for the link.
(• Wednesday evenings 5:15-6:15pm Taubman Museum of Art $5/10 - Online registrartion)
• Friday mornings 7:30-8:30am (In person- Summer: Elmwood Stage / Winter: Downtown main library mezzanine)
• In-person = (Summer) Elmwood Park / (Winter) Downtown Library
• Zoom = Convenience of your home
(Email for Zoom link)
• BYOM = Bring Your Own Mat
• Dress in comfortable layers
• Bring Water
Supported by @Roanoke Public Libraries and @PLAY Roanoke.
*Private lessons in Yoga or Ballroom Dancing available. Let's chat!
Here's hoping I see you on the mat soon!
Bonny B
"In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you." Buddha
Be kinder than necessary.