Writing Intensive: The Path to Publication
Hollins University 7916 Williamson Road , Roanoke, Virginia 24019
You’ve spent months (or, very likely, years!) writing and editing your novel, workshopping and rereading and editing again, and you are ready to seek out traditional publication. What’s next? This workshop will cover all the steps you need to take your work from manuscript to book: crafting a query letter, learning what comp titles are (and how to find yours), researching which agents to query, writing a synopsis, making sure your first page shines, learning about the market, seeing what your agent relationship might look like, and working on your platform (and knowing if you need one at all).
This intensive is a 20-hour advanced tutorial intended for authors of novel-length works (chapter books, middle grade, and young adult) who have completed or nearly completed manuscripts and are preparing to seek traditional publication. The goal of the intensive is for you to finish the week with a polished query package and an understanding of how to seek out and approach the right agent for your work.
Erin Clyburn, literary agent with Howland Literary
To learn more about each workshop and register, visit hollins.edu/childrenslit-workshops.
QUESTIONS? Contact the graduate programs office at (540) 362-6257 or hugrad@hollins.edu.