Mountain Valley Cluster Dog Show
Salem Civic Center 1001 Roanoke Boulevard, Salem, Virginia 24153
The Mountain Valley Cluster Dog Show, hosted by the Roanoke, James River and New River Valley Kennel Clubs, is held each year at the Salem Civic Center, Salem, VA., the first week of August.
Come inside during the dog-days of Summer and watch these dogs and their handlers compete for top honors!
The Mountain Valley Cluster Dog Show, is an AKC-sanctioned all-breed show. Around 900 dogs are entered, with more than 165 breeds represented, including newly-recognized breeds such as the Barbets (sporting) and Azawakhs (hound).
This is one of many shows throughout the year in which dogs compete and campaign for top dog, culminating at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club dog show in February.
A pre-Junior Showmanship class called the Pee Wee Special Attraction will take place around noon Friday and Saturday. The Pee Wee class is geared toward children 5 to under 9 years of age. Each Pee Wee unit consists of the child, his/her parent/guardian/responsible adult, and the dog or a stuffed animal. This is not a competitive class, but rather a fun, learning experience for the child and the adult.
No un-entered dogs are allowed inside.
Vendors with a variety of dog products, items, and gifts for sale. Lunch buffet and concessions available each day.