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Flanked as we are, here in the Roanoke Metro, by the Blue Ridge Parkway on one side and the Appalachian Trail on the other, we may have as concentrated a set of National Park highlight spots as anywhere.
Our 16 candles for the big cake break down this way: eight along the Appalachian National Scenic Trail (yes, a National Park Service property), six just off the Blue Ridge Parkway and two at Booker T. Washington National National Monument.
Appalachian Trail
• Climb Sinking Creek Mountain from Va. 621 to the Eastern Continental Divide; about 7.5 miles out and back. OK views, but the Divide sign is the cool thing.
• Climb Brush Mountain from Va. 620 to the Audie Murphy Monument; about 7.5 miles out and back. Nice lunch spot with views and a decorated monument for a decorated veteran.
• Take the Dragon’s Trail from Va. 311 to the A.T. and then up to the formation. About 5 miles out and back. Some rocky stuff as you get close to the big rocks.
• Take the A.T. from Va. 311 to McAfee Knob (if you can find a parking place in the lot). Just under 8 miles out and back to what’s generally recognized as the most photographed place on the 2,100-mile trail.
• Take the Andy Layne Trail up Tinker Mountain to the A.T. and up to the formation. Just under 8 miles up and down. Great views and always a great breeze.
• Take the A.T. from U.S. 220 in Daleville up Tinker Mountain to where the blazes take you out onto the rocks to look down on Carvins Cove. About 5.6 miles up and down.
• Walk the Cornelius Creek Trail from the end of FR 59 to the A.T. and the north for half a mile to Black Rocks for a great-views lunch. About 6.5 miles up and down.
• Walk the A.T. from Blue Ridge Parkway Milepost 76.3 (parking is at 76.5; Apple Orchard Overlook), to views from Apple Orchard Mountain summit, highest spot on the trail headed north until you get to New England. About 2 miles in and out.
Blue Ridge Parkway
• Chestnut Ridge Loop Trail just off the Mill Mountain Access Road. The easiest 5.4 miles around here.
• Apple Orchard Falls Trail from Sunset Field Overlook (MP 78.7), down to the 150-foot falls and back. 2.4 miles down and back.
• Peaks of Otter Lodge for lakeside lunch or dinner or an overnight (MP 86).
• Harkening Hill Trail past the Johnson Farm and back. About 4 miles. Climb the peak on the other side of the parkway, and visit the ‘30s-era farmstead (MP 85.9).
• Flat Top Trail (MP 83.5). Climb to the top of 4,001-foot Flat Top Mountain, take in the great 360-degree views. 5.6 miles up and down.
• Fallingwater Cascades Trail (MP 83.5). Easy 1.6-mile loop to the falls and back.
Booker T. Washington National Monument
• The buildings and farmstead. The story of the man and the farm are well worth the visit.
• The Plantation Trail and Jack-O-Lantern Branch Trail make for an easy and pleasant 2-mile loop.