The story below is a preview from our January/February 2018 issue. For the full story Subscribe today, view our FREE interactive digital edition or download our FREE iOS app!
Plus a fresh new look in our design and departments.

RKR Masthead 2018
I moved to Roanoke nearly a decade ago from Nashville, Tennessee (though I’m a Virginia girl through and through, growing up down the road in Danville and dreaming of Roanoke as “the big city”). Coming from a larger metropolitan region, I admit I had doubts on Roanoke being “it” for me.
I couldn’t have been more wrong, and was pleasantly surprised at the multitude of events, restaurants, cost of living and more within the region. Roanoke greeted me with far more than just open arms. Put simply, it’s home.
But we all know home is more than a place–it’s about the people. Ask anyone you know about their favorite part of the region, and I bet “community” is well within their top three reasons. This, I think, is where Roanoke shines more than any other city (yes, I’m biased) and brings us together for work and play.
Our newcomers article (page 29) shares stories from individuals and couples who made the move here and why they fell in love with their new home. And yep, you guessed it–“community” is on everyone’s list. Roanokers make it easy to be part of something bigger.
And I may no longer be a newcomer, but I certainly learned a few new things in our “How Roanoke Are You?” quiz (page 28). Will your answers earn you a peanut soup or a bowl with? (Extra points if you get that reference without peeking first.)
A new year means new goals, and if staying (or getting) in shape is on your list, we have a featured piece that’s just for you, with plenty of suggestions on how to be active no matter the weather or budget.
Don’t miss the gorgeous artwork in our photo essay (page 42), excerpted from Carilion Clinic’s “Healing Art in the Blue Ridge” publication. Unique pieces feature the artists’ takes on areas or landmarks of the Roanoke, Shenandoah and New River Valleys.
You may have already noticed our first issue of 2018 showcases a beautiful redesign, including a new masthead. But hey, that’s not all–we also have more fantastic writers and a new department, “A Day In,” which will share neat spots to enjoy a meal, shop or explore. And I won’t give anything away, but this is the start of great things to come for The Roanoker in 2018 and beyond. I’m thrilled to share the adventure with you, and to share my love for Roanoke with anyone who will listen.
... for the rest of this story and more from our January/February 2018 issue, Subscribe today, view our FREE interactive digital edition or download our FREE iOS app!