The story below is a preview from our March/April 2018 issue. For the full story Subscribe today, view our FREE interactive digital edition or download our FREE iOS app!
Ready for an eXperience?

The eXperience YP conference first took place in 2014; now headed into its fourth year, the conference offers unique programming designed to connect and inspire young professionals in the region. Those looking to build their skills, network with other professionals and learn more about their community will come away refreshed and energized. The conference encourages organic connections and conversations that come from being in the same room with other driven young professionals.
Committee co-chair Taylor Spellman wants more organizations to get involved so their employees attend and become rooted in the community. “Being a part of Roanoke is cool because we’re not a tiny community, but we have the ability for our voices to be heard,” she says. “We can positively impact the direction the community is going.”
eXperience YP is unique in that there are many different industries represented, including academia, nonprofits, tourism, entertainment, health care and more. They coordinate events that connect industry leaders, visionaries and educators with the area’s next generation of leaders, in addition to providing an environment where their members can brainstorm, connect and create dialogue.
This year’s keynote speaker is Justin Patton, an executive leader coach. He is the group’s first national speaker and his work includes empowering leaders to “make their voice and presence count.” Spellman says “to bring him to Roanoke and get attendees excited is something we’re looking forward to.”
The eXperience YP conference takes place on Friday, May 4, at the Jefferson Center. The $55 registration fee includes the networking event on Thursday night, snacks and beverages throughout conference day and lunch. Learn more or get tickets at
... for the rest of this story and more from our March/April 2018 issue, Subscribe today, view our FREE interactive digital edition or download our FREE iOS app!