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Dan Smith
Alaina Girani, Patrick Henry High School
“I have been lucky enough, through mission trips and other opportunities, to find that my passion in life is … to help others.”
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Dan Smith
Madison Price, Salem High.
“I would use my assets in a way that no other student would probably think of using them. I have challenged myself to be different.
“There is an abundance of negativity, greed, and self- centered people in the world. I want to make a positive impact … I want to make a difference. I want to make a change. People will not be touched by selfishness and greed; rather they will be touched by kind gestures and service.
“Together as a society, we could progress and climb to new heights that we didn’t even think were possible before. Just imagine if the seven billion people in the world worked together for one common goal? Having everyone come together in a smaller community, like Roanoke, is far more realistic. Anyhow, to me, that is far more valuable than living in a huge house and driving a Range Rover.”
The enthusiasm, hope and optimism of the group of “Brainiacs” considered for this revealing look at the Roanoke Valley high schools Class of 2014 is expressed best when they answered the question: How would you like to use your intelligence and skills in the future? Here are some of the responses from those not picked as representatives of their schools.
Alaina Girani, Patrick Henry High School, GPA 4.32, Division I college scholarship in lacrosse, mission trip to Costa Rica: “I have been lucky enough, through mission trips and other opportunities, to find that my passion in life is … to help others.”
Madison Price, Salem High, 4.21 GPA, captain of a state champion basketball team daughter of single mother Cathy Price, who works at Orange Market: “I would use my assets in a way that no other student would probably think of using them. I have challenged myself to be different.
“There is an abundance of negativity, greed, and self- centered people in the world. I want to make a positive impact … I want to make a difference. I want to make a change. People will not be touched by selfishness and greed; rather they will be touched by kind gestures and service.
“Together as a society, we could progress and climb to new heights that we didn’t even think were possible before. Just imagine if the seven billion people in the world worked together for one common goal? Having everyone come together in a smaller community, like Roanoke, is far more realistic. Anyhow, to me, that is far more valuable than living in a huge house and driving a Range Rover.”
Karlie Pope, Northside High School, 4.8, district and regional tennis champion: “I love motivating people to work harder and push themselves to the limit when it comes to working out … Intelligence is important for personal growth, but passion is what drives the desire for more knowledge. Overall, I want to influence others to develop or strengthen their passion for a sport.”
Evans Schmedtje, North Cross School, 3.9 GPA, conference tennis champion, musician, mission to Ghana: “Standing at the precipice of adulthood, the need to be discerning is more important than ever. “Human time is finite, so I must be thoughtful now if I want to use the life I have been given to the greatest advantage. Do I know how I will use my skills in the future? Not even close. But I do hope that, wherever I end up, I will serve others in a meaningful way, building upon history and preparing my community for the many years ahead.
Sam Foster, Lord Botetourt High School, GPA 4.23, elementary school ESL teacher, volunteer at SPCA, RAM House, Rescue Mission: “I am discovering new things each day, the one thing I am sure of, is that I want to be part of something extraordinary and be a contributor of goodness to the global community.”
Sarah Katharine Perkins, Patrick Henry High School, 4.37 GPA, choir, dance, piano, PH Players, VP film club, VP Production Junior Achievement: “Over the past few years I have gained the ability to express myself on stage through theatre … I hope to use my communication skills combined with my artistic ability to find my space in a marketing and advertising firm in the future.”