The story below is a preview from our September/October 2018 issue. For the full story Subscribe today, view our FREE interactive digital edition or download our FREE iOS app!
Home is the place we go to feel safe, comfortable, loved and nourished. We want to feel “at home” in our home and that means creating a space that reflects who we are and what we love.

Bob Sowder
The Family Room: The styles, shapes, colors and textures work together for an aesthetically pleasing grouping.
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art concerned with directing Chi (energy). It involves using a Bagua map and the five elements (water, wood, fire, metal and earth) to create harmony and guide the flow of energy so your environment supports your objectives.
The Bagua map is placed on top of your home’s main floor plan. The nine areas of energy- helpful people, career, inner knowledge/life purpose, children and creativity, health, family, relationships, reputation and abundance/wealth – are analyzed and each area is designed to boost what you want in your life. This can include color choices, art and furniture placement and cures such as crystals, mirrors and fountains.
“In Feng Shui, we believe that everything has energy,” says Beth Fulp, Owner of Divine Flow and Certified Feng Shui Practitioner of Interior Alignment. “Your stuff carries a vibration of its own and if you move your stuff, or simply let go of what you no longer need, the situations and energy of your life will change and improve.”
Fulp performs space clearing to dissolve old, stuck energy and to welcome in new energy, peace, money or whatever a client wishes. She then analyzes the areas of a client’s home and gives them suggestions on how they can elementally balance each area to support their life goals and intentions.
“For instance, I once had a man who hired me to Feng Shui his space. He wanted to find love. He was missing the relationship area of his home! No wonder he was lonely. We ended up completing this space from the outside of his home by planting some rose bushes (representing love). We used other tools, too. Within three months he was dating the woman he would later marry.”
Other clients have reported getting the job they wanted, better relationships and increased feelings of peace and happiness. Feng Shui can enhance harmony in your home and life.
Ever since a house fire claimed the lives of their two young sons, Patrick and Logan, Tom and Lindsey McKinnon have been more intentional with all their choices. When they purchased a new home, they decided to have Fulp clear and balance it with Feng Shui.
Intentions for their home included incredible interactions with everyone who walks in, a sanctuary feel and a place to establish roots. They wanted a place where their baby girl, Trinity Acadia, would feel nurtured and safe and would flourish.
Lindsey adds that there are so many factors involved in Feng Shui that working with specialists like Fulp and designer Robin L. Miles, owner of Interior Details, helped them bring life into each room and they can feel the difference.
“Feng Shui is very interesting and gives you a different kind of relationship with your space and increased awareness,” says Tom. He calls Miles the “stuff whisperer” and says it is like she just knew where certain items should be placed.
Miles says she designs around Fulp’s Feng Shui report so a house automatically becomes home. She believes the “kitchen is the heart of the home and the bedroom is the soul of the home. Heart and soul and energy affect you and everyone who walks in to your home.”
“It feels really good when you start matching your insides to the outside. There is a sacred reciprocity between your internal environment and outside environment,” shares Lindsey.
Fulp agrees. “Your home is a metaphor for your life. Look around your home right now. Your outer world reflects your inner world. Feng Shui acts as a map that leads you through the process of letting go of stuff that no longer supports your present goals and aligns your environment with your intentions.”
... for more from our September/October 2018 issue, Subscribe today, view our FREE interactive digital edition or download our FREE iOS app!