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2021 Medical Professional Profiles: Total You Health

Sunny Gutowski-Wasiela
Linda Bailey of Total You Health
Q: Briefly describe your background/education/qualifications.
A: Linda Bailey holds a BA, MBA, CMSA and is a Certified MELT Instructor. She received training in Photobiomodulation by James Carroll, owner/inventor of Thor Photomedicine and observed with Dr. Randolph Merrick an internist and international lecturer on red light therapy. She has worked with the therapy for over eight years.
Q: What specialties/services do you offer?
A: Total You Health specializes in non-toxic, non-invasive solutions for pain, inflammation, muscle recovery, anxiety, depression, low energy and more. Our primary therapy, Photobiomodulation, addresses pain and inflammation by reducing cellular oxidative stress. In addition to red light therapy we offer massage, bioenergetic testing and MELT method classes.
Q: What is unique/significant about your practice that sets you apart?
A: We are the only company in Virginia using a whole body red light pod that treats someone in 20 minutes or less. Since most of our therapies are portable, we can take them to events, gyms, employer locations and more to demonstrate their benefits. We even have a vet unit using red light therapy in office on small animals and travel to barns to use on horses!
Q: How is your practice working to improve the health of your patients?
A: With 40% of the population affected by pain, we try to help many with various pain conditions. Total You Health uses solutions to help with pain, treat injuries, relax muscles and increase blood circulation. Most are FDA approved and have little to no contraindications. Red light therapy was discovered 50 years ago and is well-researched - over 700 human clinical trials and 4,000 lab studies back it up. Harvard and Boston medical schools use it along with our U.S. Navy, Army, and NASA. Even NFL, NBA teams, MMA and Olympic athletes use it. Come for a session for only $25!
Total You Health
4370 Starkey Rd Unit 4A,
Roanoke, VA 24018
(540) 404-8858
2020 Best New Business in the Local Best of Award, Roanoke Times • 2020 Platinum Division Winner, The Gauntlet • 2019 Best New Business of the Year, Roanoke Chamber of Commerce • 2018 Platinum Division Winner, The Gauntlet