Fall Festival Crowd
2nd Annual Blue Ridge Rock & Ride, Sept. 29. Poker run, live music, food, vendors and other entertainment. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. $10 admission. Elmwood Park, Roanoke. 206-2414.
Bedford Centerfest, Sept. 29. Artists, craftspeople, food and live music. Centertown Bedford. 586-2148. centertownbedford.com.
Harvest Festival, Sept. 29. Pumpkins, apples and other fresh produce, antique tractors, local music, kids’ activities and Appalachian culture demonstrations. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Historic City Market, Roanoke. 342-2028, ext. 15. downtownroanoke.org.
Mountain Spirits Festival, Sept. 29. Artisans, writers, musicians and those involved in agri-tourism. Downtown Rocky Mount. 483-9293.
Valley Bank Big Lick Blues, Rockin’ Blues & Ribs Fest, Sept. 29. Live music, rib cookoff, rib eating contest and after party. $28 at the gate, $24 in advance, children eight and under free. Reserve Avenue Complex, Roanoke. 342-2640. biglickblues.org.
24th Annual Smith Mountain Lake Wine Festival, Sept. 29-30. 28 Virginia wineries, 85 juried craft and food vendors and live music. $18 taster, $12 non-taster. LakeWatch Plantation, Moneta. 721-1203.
Green Hill Medieval Faire and Highland Games, Sept. 29-30. Historic figures, falconry, jousting, swordplay, music, arts and crafts, vendors, and hearty food and drink. Free admission. Green Hill Park, Salem. 387-6455.
Peak Foliage Open House, October 5-7,12-14,19-21,26-28. Sample apples and fresh cider and Fruit Of The Farm Wines. Visit with farm animals. Noon-5 p.m. Peaks of Otter Winery, Bedford. 586-3707. peaksofotterwinery.com
Smith Mountain Lake Charity Home Tour, Oct. 5-7. Tours of eight waterfront homes. Tickets $20 in advance and $25 on day of event. Proceeds divided among eight local charities. Smith Mountain Lake. 297-8687. smlcharityhometour.com.
4th Annual Vettes on the Point, Oct. 6. Wine tasting, racing workshops, pontoon boat rides, loudest exhaust contest, DJ and dancing, food vendors, drawings for cash prizes. Parkway Marina, Smith Mountain Lake. virginiacorvetteclub.com.
20th Annual Harvest Festival, Oct. 6. In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Rockbridge Vineyard. Grape stomping, wine tasting and more. Rockbridge Vineyard, Raphine. 377-6204. rockbridgevineyard.com.
Foggy Ridge Cider Open House, Oct. 6. Sample heirloom apples and award-winning hard cider. Brickoven pizza available for purchase. Foggy Ridge Cider, Dugspur. 276-398-2337. foggyridgecider.com.
3rd Annual Roanoke Ghost Tour, Oct. 6-27. Every Saturday tour Roanoke’s most haunted locations. 7 p.m. Tickets are $13, must be purchased in advance. 206-2414. sponsorhounds.com.
25th Anniversary Craftsmen’s Arts and Crafts Festival, Oct. 12-14. Original work from hundreds of talented artists & craftsmen from across Virginia, the Carolinas and the nation. Free admission, food donations requested. Roanoke Civic Center. 336-282-5550. craftshow.com.
30th Annual Craig County Fall Festival, Oct. 13. Homemade food, crafts, antique car show, live entertainment and horse rides. New Castle. 864-5004.
Black Dog Wine & Music Festival, Oct. 13. Featuring music by The Catalinas and The Embers. Fun foods, wine and sangria. $25 admission includes music, winery tour, tastings and wine glass. Chateau Morrisette, Meadows of Dan. 593-2865. thedogs.com.
Vinton Fall Festival, Oct.13. More than 70 crafts and vendors, entertainment stages, children’s area, distance run, doggy costume pageant,festival foods, monster truck rides and more. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Downtown Vinton. 343-1364.
Friday, Wine, Moon and Stars, Oct. 19. A bowl of hot chili with bagels and wine under the night sky. Food vendor on site. $7 admission, includes glass. Virginia Mountain Vineyards, Fincastle. 473-2979. vmvines.com.
Blue Ridge Potters Guild 13th Show and Sale, Oct 19-21. Virginia’s largest all-pottery show featuring functional and decorative works created by more than 70 area potters. Free admission. Patrick Henry High School, Roanoke. 343-1836, blueridgepotters.com.
Breakfast with the Animals, through Oct. 20. Every 3rd Saturday of the month, a breakfast buffet and gathering with one of the zoo’s education outreach animals to learn more about various animals. 8:30-10:30 a.m. Mill Mountain Zoo, Roanoke. 343-3241 ext. 23.
Craft Show, Oct. 20. Show and sale featuring a variety of local handmade crafts and gifts. Wood, fabric, jewelry, clothing and more. Free craft activity for children and live music. Vinton Farmer’s Market. 983-0613.
4th Annual Wine and Unwind Wine Festival, Oct. 21. Samples of Virginia wines, food, music and local artisan crafts. Proceeds go to the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerece Foundation. $18 in advance, $20 at the gate. Salem Civic Center. 387-0267.
Blue Ridge Folk Life Festival, Oct. 27. Musicians, craftspeople, cooks, motorheads, mule jumpers, horse pullers, coon dog racers, antique tractor buffs, and old-time gamers. Blue Ridge Institute and Museum, Ferrum. 365-4416.
Boo-Ford Halloween Festival, Oct. 27. Activities for kids, trunk or treat, food-eating contest, facepainting and more. Centertown Bedford. 586-2148. centertownbedford.com.
Goblins and Goodies at Smith Mountain Lake State Park, Oct. 27. Treats, stories and a costume contest. Smith Mountain Lake State Park, Huddleston. 297-5998.
Halloween Open House, Oct. 27. Haunted orchard, scary costumes and sweet treats. Sample cider and mead paired with seasonal treats. $8 covers tastings and snacks. Foggy Ridge Cider and Blacksnake Mead, Dugspur. 276-398-2337. foggyridgecider.com.
Zombie Ball: Costume Dance for Adults, Oct. 27. Live DJ, costume contest, food and more. W&L University Pavilion, Lexington. 463-2697. boxerwood.org.
Roanoke Valley Gun Show, Oct. 27-28. Firearms, ammo, knives, and other merchandise. Roanoke Civic Center. 853-5483. roanokeciviccenter.com.
Downtown Trick-or-Treat, Oct. 31. Businesses in downtown Vinton offering treats to children 12 and younger. Downtown Vinton. 983-0613.
Tanglewood Trick-or-Treat, Oct. 31. Trick-or-treating with mall tenants and a costume contest at 6:30 p.m. Hosted in partnership with Star Country Radio and Small Smiles Dental Center. Tanglewood Mall, Roanoke. 989-4388.