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Liz Long
I used to work at a store in downtown Roanoke and loved the area, but rarely got to enjoy the bright fall mornings on the market. This past weekend, I had a chance to get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather (not a single cloud in that Carolina blue sky!), as well as take a look at what downtown has to offer.
The City Market is open year-round, seven days a week, and closes only on Christmas and New Year's Day. Recognized as a "Great American Public Place" by the Lyndhurst Foundation (along with other winners like the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC and Central Park in New York City), it also receives many "Best of Roanoke" awards by readers of the Roanoker Magazine. You can find fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants, and even fresh meats from local farms, given the seasons. It's here I picked up 2 small pumpkins for my front porch at only $3 a pop--not only a bargain, but decor to get me in the seasonal spirit!
There are so many great restaurants - over 60 in the immediate area - that it's difficult to pick just one place to eat lunch (if I thought I could eat 2 or 3 lunches, I would've). Between pizza at a couple different places, the multiple choices of great restaurants inside the City Market Building, or grabbing a bite on Market St at Horizon Bar & Grill or Blues BBQ, lunch was my hardest decision of the day! (You can visit here for a complete list of dining downtown.)
I'm always reminded of how picturesque Roanoke really is when I'm in the historic downtown. I love the old brick buildings, the colorful Coca-Cola signs, and the reminder of our old railroad city. I am one of those, however, who loves the skyline especially because of the inclusion of the Taubman Museum of Art. I think the bold, modern look only adds to our history and shows that as a city, we're okay with progression into tomorrow's future. Plus, it just adds a little extra oomph to that view when driving past on 581/220 or standing at the top of Mill Mountain at the Roanoke Star!
And there's a brief look at downtown Roanoke. Be sure to check out the slideshow to see the City Market and a few other spots in the area! Please forgive the grainy photos as my camera lens broke on my way out the door! The next adventure's photography will be much better, I promise.