Jessica Wright
Sydney and Santa
It’s amazing how sometimes you underestimate your child. At seven months old, Sydney has been clingy to my husband and me, and leery of strangers. She even cried when her grandpas held her, even though she’s seen them many times. I think it’s their mustaches.
So you can understand why I thought surely she would be terrified of Santa Claus with his big beard. But whether she was crying her eyes out or content as can be, a photo with Santa was a first I didn’t want to miss.
On Dec. 1 we headed to Towers Shopping Center for free photos with Santa. We timed it just right. She had taken a long nap and her belly was full. Surely that would keep her calm, I told myself. As to be expected, we encountered a long line. Uh oh, I told my husband, she’s definitely going to be fussy by the time we reach Santa.
We kept her busy with toys and people-watching until it was her turn. My husband sat her on Santa’s lap while I got the camera ready for whichever reaction she decided to have. The cries I expected…they never came. She was fascinated! I really believe she thought he was a big stuffed animal as she kept staring up at him and trying to pull on his beard.
The folks at Towers captured some awesome pictures, and I was able to snap a few as well. Walking out, I apologized to Sydney for doubting her. Our sweet – and apparently Santa-loving – child never ceases to amaze me.
Want to take your child to see Santa? There are plenty of options in Roanoke. In addition to Tanglewood and Valley View Malls, here are some other places to find Santa:
• Fantasyland at the Dumas Center for Artistic and Cultural Development through Dec. 23.
• Dickens of a Christmas in downtown Roanoke on Dec. 14.
• Breakfast with Santa at Hotel Roanoke on Dec. 15.