Liz Long
A walk outside is a great way to avoid boredom.
Governor Northam has issued a stay-at-home order through June 10 for all Virginia residents to limit the spread of the coronavirus. The mandate means we are not to leave our homes for anything except food, medical care and exercise. The order also allows people to go to essential work; places of worship; and child care providers. (You can see a PDF of the order from Governor Northam’s website here.)
Northam specifically said, “Do not go out unless you need to go out … don’t go to the store for just one thing.”
That’s good advice – no one wants to go to the grocery store five times a week, anyway! Wait until you have a list of items (or errands) and save yourself unnecessary trips out in public. That’ll not only reduce your chance of illness, but others at risk, too. Remember, even when we are doing those things, we’re advised to maintain six feet apart from others to reduce our risk of sickness.
If you’re able to work from home, obviously a large bulk of your time is occupied – but you can’t work 24/7, so what about your free time? Obviously you can lose yourself in a rabbit hole for hours on the Internet (especially on this writer’s personal favorite site, Pinterest), and binge on Netflix until you’re quoting the Tiger King, but even that might get dull after a while.
- Take up a hobby. Write that novel you’ve always talked about, pick up a paintbrush and try watercolors or get some sunshine while you tend to your garden. Knit, color, learn a new language, sit outside and study birds, try a video game, finish that 1,000-piece puzzle, get certified online or take up an instrument you stashed in the attic but never got around to playing. The options are endless!
- Work out. Maybe you already have a few weights or yoga mats in the basement that can be put to good use, but it’s also as easy as doing stretches, jumping jacks and push-ups in front of the TV. With so many local instructors offering free or inexpensive workout videos (from cardio to yoga and everything in between!), it’s easy to stay active even while you’re inside.
- Walk around the neighborhood / get outside. It’s not just good for your health, but for your sanity (seriously, stop mindlessly scrolling your newsfeeds for the sixth time that hour). Inhale some fresh air and take in the beautiful spring weather. (Can you imagine if we were going through this in wintertime? Yikes!) Don’t forget to practice safe social distancing as you walk the pooch, stroll the greenway or hike the trails!
- Catch an online exhibit. Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge has a fantastic list of resources for the region, including a list of museums offering free virtual experiences or fun activities (especially for kids!). This is a great way for everyone to learn something new.
- FaceTime your family and friends. Technology is especially handy these days as we can still keep in touch with our loved ones even if we can’t be with them. Catch up with your people and check in to make sure they’re taking care of themselves as we get through this together.
- Movie marathon! Sure, it’s the same thing as binging Netflix, but it’s still fun to do and relaxing – bonus points if you make popcorn.
- Organize your [closet/drawers/basement/garage]. No matter which room or spaces you have in your home, now’s the perfect time to spring clean the clutter (and maybe sweep up a few dust bunnies, too).
- Cook / Bake. Now is a great time to learn a few new recipes (at least judging by the amount of homemade bread in newsfeeds in the last two weeks), whether it’s full meals, snacks (especially baking with the kids!), cocktails or something else tasty for you and the family to enjoy.
- Play games. Pull out those old board games (Candyland and Monopoly never go out of style!), checkerboards, playing cards or Scrabble, or play some poker using candy – you get the idea!
- Read! From books and magazines (hint hint), it’s never been a better time to catch up on your beloved characters, find a new favorite author or learn more about what’s happening in your region thanks to your favorite local magazine, The Roanoker!
There are plenty of ideas out there to stay busy, but this list is a good start!
Don’t forget to check out Visit Virginia’s Blue Ridge COVID-19 page for more resources, including restaurants offering takeout, shopping and retail for gift cards, virtual events you can attend and much more.
About the Writer:
Liz Long is editor of The Roanoker Magazine, bridebook and the official Virginia Travel Guide. She is also a USA Today bestselling author of YA and urban fantasy. When not writing, she can be found drinking happy hour prosecco, walking on the greenway or cuddling her dog, Fisher. Follow her on Instagram at @lizclong07.