Dan Smith
Carvins Cove is a popular spot for hiking, biking and boating and it remains open for all.
If you are simply itching to get outside, but your usual paths are no longer an option (the greenways were closed as of April 3), we have some alternatives for you.
Carvins Cove, which has become a popular waterway for Roanokers in recent years—especially those using kayaks—remains open for hiking, fishing and paddling personal boats. Boat rentals have been suspended until further notice and there is no charge to use the Cove or its parking lot during the COVID-19 emergency. The rivers in this area (Roanoke, James, New) are also open and ready for paddlers, but the outfitters who rent boats are not.
The Cove is open 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Elsewhere in the Roanoke Valley, according to Roanoke Outside:
- Paved greenways were just closed in the City. Natural surface trails are still open. Trails at Explore Park, Mill Mountain, Read Mountain, Carvins, Poor Mountain, Bottoms Creek Gorge Preserve, trails along Parkway, are all open.
Here’s a list of what’s what for your recreation opportunities. We won’t tell you—because we don’t have to; you know—to be careful and keep your distance.
- All commercial and public campgrounds in Virginia are closed through June 10.
- The Appalachian Trail is not closed, but hikers are being discouraged from using it. The Blue Ridge Parkway is open, but visitor’s centers are closed.
- Roanoke County’s Explore Park’s outdoor amenities are open for hiking, paddling and biking. The George Washington and Jefferson National forest’s trails are open, but restrooms, campgrounds and day-use facilities are closed.
- The Roanoke River Greenway is closed because of crowding. The Parks and Recreation departments in the Valley are suggesting people use Mason Mill Park, Ridgewood Park, Sunrise Park, Andrews Park and Morningside Park.
- State parks like Douthat, Smith Mountain Lake, Claytor Lake, the New River Trail, Fairy Stone Park and Natural Bridge are open for day use only.
About the Writer:
Dan Smith is an award-winning Roanoke-based writer/author/photographer and a member of the Virginia Communications Hall of Fame (Class of 2010). His blog, fromtheeditr.com, is widely read and he has authored seven books, including the novel CLOG! He is founding editor of a Roanoke-based business magazine and a former Virginia Small Business Journalist of the Year (2005).