A new storefront window decal program breathes life into buildings and and is funded 100% by the Town of Vinton.

Courtesy of Sun Solutions
The decal pictured is located across from the Vinton Farmers' Market.
Window fronts in the Town of Vinton are starting to become a lot more visually appealing thanks to a collaborative effort between town staff, Sun Solutions and downtown businesses. Vibrant window decals are being printed and installed throughout the downtown area in an effort to breathe new life into otherwise drab exteriors.
The effort grew out of the town’s Facade Improvement Program. The program encourages businesses to do upkeep on their storefronts by providing a 50% match on funds spent on upkeep. To date, dozens of businesses have taken advantage of the program.
Unlike the general Facade Improvement Program, the Window Decal Program is funded 100% by the town.
Pete Peters, town manager, notes that the decal effort goes well with the town’s work on revitalizing the downtown area. “We’ve had a lot of activity in town with new development. We’re seeing a lot of investment in the town,” he says.
Given the increase in new businesses opening up, the decals provide a way to signal to those passing by that something new and exciting is on the way.
“There may be great improvements going on inside, but the average citizen may not know that project,” Peters explains. “It occurred to me that maybe we can do a better job of assisting our businesses in marketing their expansions or improvements by helping them with this decal program. Now commuters or visitors passing through the town won’t think that they’re driving past vacant buildings.”
They also provide a more aesthetically pleasing exterior while the remodels are going on inside the stores.
Once a business has been identified that is interested in participating in the program, it then works with the town and Sun Solutions to come up with a design that is representative of what the business does.
Sun Solutions, a Vinton-based business that does window tinting and vehicle and wall wraps, was brought in to work on the project because the town felt it was important to partner with a local business on the effort.

Courtesy of Sun Solutions
The decal pictured was designed to represent the mission of Twin Creeks Brewing Company.
Twin Creek Brewing is one of the businesses that has participated in the program. Its decal was installed at a new location where it has expanded to. The decal features a mural by a local artist.
“It provides a really attractive storefront of a space that the general public probably wouldn’t have gone into,” Peters says. “The space is an active part of the brewery. Eventually, they hope to expand their tasting room to that space. Customers may go in there, so the mural may eventually come down.”
Additionally, some businesses are opting for designs that showcase different aspects of the town. Vinton Appliance is one example. It is leasing a space at 121 West Lee Avenue across from the Vinton Farmers’ Market for storage. Because the space isn’t used by customers, Vinton Appliance decided to go with a design that celebrated the market and local entertainment. The decal features images of fruits, vegetables, music notes and a guitar.
All of the decals feature the “InVinton” branding.
Due to the affordable cost of the decals, they will likely be updated over time to better reflect changes that might have occurred with the business or the town as a whole.
So far, the response to the decal program has been positive. “The business owners have loved the outcome. We see folks taking selfies at those locations,” he explains.
Plans are currently in place to expand the decal program to other businesses.
About the Author:
Aila Boyd is an educator and journalist who resides in Roanoke. She holds an MFA in Writing from Lindenwood University.